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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Harvest Time in Bluff Country

It's mid to late fall here in southeast Minnesota's Bluff Country and there's lots of corn and soybeans to be harvested. Our little acreage over looks the Spring Valley in the distance the town of the same name. In between our back yard and the valley some small field including 14 acres of "beans."....  Take a look....
To the North, our woods, adjacent to the field.
Our friend and neighbor farmer Dick is probably scouting ahead the big machinery making sure everything else is ready to go....
View from our back yard...
From hopper to bin then off to the elevator....
Miss Lily comes out to check out the excitement but she's seen it all before and chasing the chipmunk who lives under the deck is much more exciting.   


Friday, November 2, 2018

Reporter: A Memoir by Seymour M. Hersh

Half awake when I published my recent review of this book I put it on my  Troutbirder "nature" blog. So rather than start over and find out what I though about this book you have to click on the picture at the top of me standing next to my favorite Montana trout stream.  Sorry about the extra work....:)