The Years of Lyndon Johnson is a biography of Lyndon B.
Johnson by the writer Robert Caro. Four volumes have been published,
running to more than 3,000 pages in total, detailing Johnson's early life,
education, and political career. A fifth volume will deal with the bulk of
Johnson's presidency.
I just finished the fourth volume, in The Passage of Power, Caro
covers Johnson's life from 1958 to 1964, the challenges Johnson faced upon his
assumption of the presidency, and the magnitude of his accomplishments in the
months after Kennedy’s assassination.
Essentially Caro looks at the acquisition and use
of political power in American democracy, from the perspective both of those
who wield it and those who are at its mercy. In an interview with Kurt
Vonnegut, he once said: "I was never interested in writing biography just
to show the life of a great man," saying he wanted instead "to use
biography as a means of illuminating the times and the great forces that shape
the times—particularly political power." I think he accomplished the tast he set out of himself. Caro, perhaps the premier writer of political biography ever has surely acommplished the task he set out for himself. I would desribe his work as "monumental."